Clients / Demos
Company Info

Custom Web Applications:
  • County Property Appraisers
    - Complete Property Record Search
    - Professional GIS Mapping interface
    - Property/Building Photos
    - Property Record Cards & TRIM Notices
    - Sales List Search
    - GIS Sales Buffer Tool
    - Custom Report Generator
    - Data Download
    - Link to Clerk of Courts and Tax data

  • Tax Collectors
    - Tax Records Search
    - Link to PA data

  • Clerk of Courts
    - Robust Public Records Search
    - Document Image Referencing
  • Fully Managed Web Hosting
  • www.YourDomain.com web hosting.
    - Domain is registered under your county name.

  • Free basic POP3 email
    - All employees can have their own email address.
    - Web Browser access to email included.
    - Basic SPAM protection.
    - more robust email options are available.

  • Complete Web site design
    - Basic web page design & maintenance.
    - Custom graphics.
    - Downloadable PDF Forms.
    - Monthly/weekly data maintenance options available.

  • Click Clients / Demos to visit the County offices that use our services.

    • Already have a Web site but need a better Property Records search
    and GIS Mapping interface?

    • Not a problem, we can interface with your existing Web site
    and start switching you over with minimal or no upfront costs.

    • • email Tim for a demo using your data. • •

    Grizzly Logic, Inc.
    Timothy M. Thompson
    Cape Coral, Florida
    239 848 5170
    email: GrizzlyLogic.com

    GrizzlyLogic.com has developed a complete and full featured CAMA Record Search system that is fully integrated into a custom GIS Mapping interface. Take a look at the Services that we can provide for you. Please Visit our Clients / Demos page for links to current Florida Property Appraisers, county GIS Departments and Tax Collectors that use our easy to use public Record Search and GIS Mapping system.